It wasn't as easy to achieve this image as I thought it would be. There's a lot of stuff in the way on that device. I also had to alter Duster's pose so, er, everything, ah, "lined up" properly. Still, as I said I want to get more than one use out of the device, so here we are. I'm sure I'll use it again with another heroine sometime. Maybe just as a threat she's getting dragged toward...
Now for the extras.
First off, here's a HQ render of Duster as she looks in my upcoming superheroine-in-peril novel Game Theory. This is a solo, larger, higher-quality version of the multi-angle view I previously posted at D.A. My friend EXitZero is using a different camera angle of this image for the book's cover art.
In case you're not aware, Game Theory is a commissioned novel. The fan footing the bill had many specific things he wanted to see which I thought made Duster seem like a somewhat different character than how I've depicted her in the past: angrier, more vengeful and ruthless. So I came up with an explanation for that and I regard this as an "alternative universe" Duster. Visually I tried to depict this character change with an edgier look. She's more buffed up, her costume's darker, and she uses her sex appeal as a weapon.
If you follow me on D.A. you may have recently seen me post my version of Black Widow, which is very much based upon the MCU version and a certain actress. Here's an image of that same figure in a BDSM situation. I intended this to be Black Widow again, sporting something more like her Winter Soldier hairstyle.
For those of you who care about such things this is actually the Victoria 4 version of the figure. After I rendered this image I obtained the utilities needed to transfer the face and body morphs as well as the skin from V4 to a Genesis 2 figure, which is what I used for the Black Widow image I posted recently. I was originally going to post this BDSM image at D.A. but once it was done I suddenly felt inspired to swap Scarl... er... Black Widow out and substitute Duster in, which led to this more elaborate image.
Finally you might be following my commissioned series I'm posting at D.A. featuring Hispanic powerhouse Xiomara taking on a Mesoamerican sorcerer. This series was commissioned by fellow Deviant Doghungry and we went through some initial false starts with it. Some of those got fully rendered. Rather than leave them unseen I thought I'd share them here. So below are the initial, alternative versions of the final images that wound up on D.A. The first one is a variation of the first image with a very different building that looks more medieval than Mesoamerican.
Next up are two alternative versions of image #3. The first alternate again features a very different building with something of a generic architectural look... could be medieval or fantasy, but it definitely doesn't have a central American feel. You'll also notice that we first tried using demons rather than lizard-men as Tlaloc's henchmen. Slightly different effects too.
Here's another slight variation of the posted, final third image. The main difference from the final version is that there's a bloody corpose on the altar. Doghungry wanted this to be Xiomara's kidnapped (but still very much alive) roommate Amaranta instead. So the blood stains got removed.
Comparing it to the initial version above, obviously the environment has a much more authentically Mesoamerican look. That was the result of a great Daz Studio set going on sale (very timely, that). I also prefer the skewed camera angle and Xiomara has a slightly more dynamic pose that does a better job of showing off both her figure and her considerable musculature. I don't usually go in for muscle babes, but that's what the commissioner wanted. Different strokes and all that, right? ;)
Finally here's the alternate version of the fourth image in the series, again using that more generic set and the demons instead of the lizard-men. And no kidnapped friend to raise the stakes. If you compare it to the final version you'll see that I basically just swapped out the set and figures while keeping Xiomara and Tlaloc (and the camera and lights) in the same positions.
I think the newer versions posted on D.A. are a big improvement. In fact I think the D.A. versions of images 3 and 4 are a couple of the best action scenes I've done so far and I'm quite proud of them.
Finally, as usual, a few rough-rendered costume tests featuring Duster because whatever else Daz Studio may be it's also a digital (adult) version of Barbie's dress-up closet. ;)

...and that's all for now, folks!