First off, some of you have no doubt been following the Duster: Rewired serial which SuburbanQueen95 plotted and commissioned from me. As I stated elsewhere in the notes for that series, some of the images SQ95 asked for are to racy for DA, so they appear here instead. (The previous blog entry contained page 8, for example...) Today I have not one but two new images from the serial for you, depicting what happens to Duster and Rewire in the back of that van with those ruthless (if intellectually-challenged) thugs:

As if that wasn't enough, here's another high-quality superheroine-in-peril image, this time featuring Violet Spike, my favourite character from MndlessEntertainment (the artist previously known as Anti-Leaf).
This is another case of having a prop (the vibrator stand) and pose designed for Victoria 4 and being too lazy to adjust the pose so Duster fits in there (she's based on Genesis 2/Victoria 6). Sometimes I just can't resist putting in the extra work to put my girl into a V4 contraption, but other times I just use Violet Spike. I do have a G2 version of her as well, but having the Vicky 4 figure handy is... well... handy.
That's it for the HQ images, now it's on to DBFFS (Duster's Big er... FUN Fashion Show)!
Here's an outfit called "Wicked Sayomi", with and without the jacket.

I think I prefer the jacketless version. Hot!
A fantasy outfit from DM called Summoner:
If the staff looks familiar, that's because it's the one used by NathanOmir's Echantress Aura Lockhaven. In case you're not aware, Nathan and I are writing and rendering a "tag-team" story featuring Aura and a fantasy-world version of Duster called "Storm Warning". Check it out!
And finally, some additional clothing tests. These outfits are designed for Genesis 3 but fit Genesis 2 just fine once you know how:

As always, if any of these outfits particularly appeal to you, please let me know either here or on Deviant Art and I'll look for opportunities to use them in HQ artwork.
...And th-th-that's all, folks!