This is my first version of this final image. I didn't like the setting very much—it seemed too modern industrial or post-apocalyptic, and Duster's costume demanded a SF setting. So I replaced it with a better one. Once I did that I realized she needed a ray gun so I added that too.
Here's an early test render of Duster in that costume:
Above is another alternate camera angle for the final Test Lab serial image. This is a test render, hence the fireflies. I never got around to rendering a high quality version but I thought I'd share this one here.
This is another test render I did of "Dark Duster", an alternative universe version of the heroine who has taken a turn toward violent vengeance and vigilantism. She'll be featured in my next superheroine-in-peril novel, titled Game Theory. Here she's been captured, bound, and scantily clad by the criminal cartel known as the Syndicate. I made her a lot more buff and angry than how I usually portray her. Maybe a little too buff.
Now, onto those clothing tests referred to in the title.
There is a lot of free digital content for Poser and Daz Studio out there, which is great. I download and install a lot of it, often without a specific idea in mind as to whether I may ever use it. But it's easier to have it on hand than to go looking for it. I remember when I was creating this early image I was desperately scouring my library for different dresses. That wouldn't be a problem today!
One of the most common free things to come across is female clothing, which is great. Most of it these days is intended for the Genesis 3 figure. Though I work primarily with Genesis 2, clothes for G3F fit quite nicely on G2F thanks to this handy guide from PDSmith. The only fly in the ointment is footwear, which generally only seems to work on the figure for which it was originally designed. (I can get Genesis footwear to work on G2 with a little futzing, but anything else is a lost cause 95% of the time.)
Anyway whenever I install new clothing I always take a little extra time to try it out. Of course since Duster's my girl I try it on her. I'll usually do a quick render to really see how it looks. This has the added benefit of helping me remember what I have in my collection since I've actually used the stuff. And I save the images for reference as well.
I wouldn't post these on DA but I thought I share a few here on my blog.

Duster makes a pretty good Velma, don't you think? The last image is this 70s-style jumpsuit which I put on Tori (Midnight Avenger) because that seemed entirely appropriate. She's Foxy Brown, and she's lookin' for trouble with a capital T! (Cue a few funky bass slaps.)
Ahhhh! Nightmare fuel!
A lot of the clothing in these last few images come from a content creator named "Ghastly". You can find his stuff on ShareCG and some of it at Renderosty. Lately he's on this anime "Lolo" kick but no one's perfect.
Oh, you wanted something more revealing? Fine...

Yes, I normally would have put a more enticing, less bored look on her face in the one with the skimpy lingerie, but hey, it's a test image.
And that's all!
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