Sunday, January 05, 2020

Love Goddess Off Track

Y'know, it's not easy coming up with titles for these blog entries.

I have a couple of images to post here today which I think would be too risque for the sneauxflaques at D.A.

First off is the next image in the Off Track serial commissioned by Bethany Hunter and featuring her own same-named heroine along with my own Candy (Duster) Roberts. Both heroines are in civilian clothes (but not for long), taking part in an undercover operation that soon lacks any cover whatsoever. The previous image in this series was also featured here, in my previous blog post.

There's one more image to go in this series and that one should be safe to post at D.A.

Next up is the next image in the Hathor - Love Goddess serial, commissioned by an anonymous patron. Hathor and Duster have shed their swimsuits and things are definitely heating up!

This series also has one more image to go, also most likely safe for D.A.

Finally here are a few clothing tests. As always, let me know here or at D.A. if you really like any of these and I'll see about using them in an upcoming image.

This is a costume called Tyro Ensemble with is designed for Genesis 3 Female. It looks fine here, but it comes with a shawl and poses that only work for G3F. I customized and used the costume for an alternative, G3F version of NathanOmir's Aura Lockhaven just recently. 

Next up is a steampunk outfit called New Revolution. I hope you can see why I'm thinking of creating a steampunk story featuring alternative versions of my characters sometime.

Finally here's a very sexy evening dress. Cleavage!

That's all for now!

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