Sunday, December 06, 2020

Purloined Partnership 16 and more


First off, the next image in the Purloined Partnership serial commissioned by NHoerst and featuring Scarlet Gravity, whose ownership has recently transferred to NathanOmir

This may have passed muster at D.A, but they seem to be getting fussier and indulging in Star-Chamber-style witch hunts lately, so why take the risk? Hence the capotain added to my version posted there. Yes, every time I use that it's intended as a snarky poke at the purity league. If you're curious, this serial has three images left. 

Now for a couple of new outfits, graciously modelled, as always, by my gal Duster. Here's yet another steampunk themed outfit. It's called "Western Swing" but it looks steampunk to me!

I know Halloween is over but why not stock up for next year? This is called "Witchen Too". 

Oh, you wanted some really sexy stuff? Fine, here ya go: Cowgirl, and Criss-Cross Dress:

That's it for now!


  1. Cowgirl, eh? Some reverse cowgirl fantasies come to mind...

  2. I'm still not used to calling Scarlet my girl, but that's my girl! :D

    Cowgirl Duster? Dude. With the available sexy cowgirl pinup outfits, that would make a cute/sexy/hot mini comic. Girls with guns, and pistols. Yeah, I know. HORSES!

  3. Candy doing some western wear now

  4. You give Candy the best wardrobe.
