Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Welcome to the Danger Cave!

I really do love Deviant Art (you can check out my writing and artwork by myself and others related to it HERE). However there are certain creations of mine that are too risque for DA's guidelines. Hence this blog, which will provide my fans with access to those works.


Please keep in mind that the material I post here is intended for mature adults only. If you are a minor, if works of this nature are illegal where you live, or if this type of thing offends you, you shouldn’t be here. Also remember that my creative works are purely fantasy. DO NOT take anything I create and post as encouragement for the racy behaviour portrayed! Far from it—I partly intend these works to be cathartic, so you can indulge your wild side safely in fantasy.

There! I'm glad we got that out of the way.

Just a reminder: If you want to encourage my creative endeavours you can of course leave comments. You can also purchase my adult-oriented, superheroine-in-peril stories starring the Mistress of the Winds, Duster, from Smashwords or from Amazon. I'll also use this blog (in conjunction with my DA profile) to keep people informed of my progress and activities.

Now please stay tuned; the first daring posts are coming soon! Just to give you a taste of what's to come, here's a character profile for the superheroine at the centre of an upcoming visual story. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... the Indigo Dynamo!

1 comment:

  1. Candy Loving - I have that issue stashed somewhere.
