Monday, March 13, 2017

Safe Harbour

Well I had a few polite warnings over at Deviant Art about this first image which I created to help promote my latest superheroine-in-peril novel, Game Theory. Apparently you can show a limp penis there but not an erect one. And you can show a woman's decapitated head on a spike, too, but hey, we have limits, buddy!

Better safe than sorry since I do enjoy the community there and sharing most of my images that don't push the limits of their guidelines.

Originally the image was going to show Duster performing full-blown (heh, get it?) fellatio on the Gamesmaster's li'l gamester, but I thought this image might be safer. It flew under their radar for a few days but as Lady Tania pointed out, all it takes is some adolescent on a power trip to ruin your day these days. Gotta love the Internet.

But that's not all! I have another treat for you, this one courtesy of the same anonymous commissioner who requested those recent images of Indigo Dynamo and Grysica as well as another one of Indy and the Cowhide Corsair goin' at it from my very first serial, "The Deep End". You might also recall this same person commissioned another image of Night Angel and the biker gang inspired by my story "The Cage" which is in The Domination Variations: Duster Volume 3. Well here's one more "between the lines" image inspired by that same story...

Finally here's a couple of test images of Duster in some sexy costumes which will, someday, see the light of day in a full-blown render.

1 comment:

  1. Tis Sad how PG DA can be about somethings and not others.
    Both great images.
    Love Dusters two new costumes.
