First up is the continuation of the Minotaur series I started over at Deviant Art. I created the first three images as entries for Mr-G-Modder's Mansion Contest. I decided to continue the series even though the contest deadline had passed. I held a poll to determine what would happen to Duster next; I was not at all surprised when the majority elected to have her situation go from bad to worse. I did have some fun with a much happier alternate ending, but fun time's over—for Duster, anyway! For the rest of us it's just starting! Here's a link to the image that directly precedes this one if you need to refresh your memory.
So what happens next? Whaddya think?!
I have two more images I'm going to post to finish this series (for now, anyway... you never know, I may continue it at some later date). Those will be posted at D.A. as they'll be just ambiguous enough to get past their guidelines (or so I hope).
(In case you're wondering, by the way, I regard most of these image serials as "alternate universe" tales. So even if they end ambiguously or with a cliff-hanger, they don't necessarily have any connection to other stories such as my superheroine-in-peril novels starring Duster. I leave continuity to the big comics publishers to worry about.)
Those of you who watch me at D.A. have probably been looking forward to these images. But wait, that's not all! I also obtained a new bondage rack on sale at Renderotica. Though it's designed for Victoria 4 it took only a little futzing with Duster (a V6-base figure) to make her fit. (A little trick for my fellow digital artists: I had to lengthen her arms a bit to make it work. You might be able to tell if you look closely.) Well once I had Dusty snug within the rack's confines I kept going and made another "Dungeon" image out of it.
I removed her visor so we could see her expression better. After I rendered it I realized I probably should have put a power inhibitor collar on her. Then again most of you probably aren't looking at her neck anyway...
And I have one more HQ adult image for you! This one was commissioned. A certain someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) wanted to see my Angela/Night Angel character transformed to resemble a certain golden-age-good-girl-art heroine who shall remain nameless just to avoid any potential legal issues. My commissioner and I agreed to call her "Spectre Woman".
This same commissioner also had me re-do a number of images previously posted here on this blog with Night Angel so she's wearing this same costume (well, more or less... mostly less). I may post those at a later date but very little changed other than the costume.
Now onto the extras!
My frequent commissioner at D.A. M-Hadley recently commissoned me to portray one of his OCs who though of Asian descent is a Southern belle. Fortunately I had recently obtained an appropriate digital costume. Of course I had to test it out on Duster first. Ah do de-clay-uh, she looks lahk a Gaw-juh peach! (Yes, my apologies for my sad attempts to transcribe a Hollywood Southern accent...)
For those of you with, ahem, less refined tastes (which I know is most of you... why else would you be here?), I have a couple of test images of Duster in some new restraints I've obtained.

The first one is the "metal armbinder" which I featured in another "Dungeon" image I posted at D.A. No one seemed to notice how nicely (if distortedly) it reflects Duster's butt. The second one is called "the Rocking Chair" and I'll work it into a HQ image soon... probably another Dungeon pic which will appear here at the blog, because penetration and all that.
Finally, here are some prop and clothing tests.

By the way, you might notice an increase in quality over older test images posted to the blog. That's thanks to the new trophy wife PC ("Melania") and her much better graphics card. Some of these "tests" look good enough to be one of my regular D.A. posts.
And that's it for now! Be sure to watch me on D.A. for the conclusion of the "Minotaur" serial.
Great images as always.