Those of you following me on Deviant Art have no doubt seen a series I'm posting there called "Hypno Whore". It started off as a single image to show off the ultra-sexy High Cut Heaven outfit (which I customized with Duster's colours). It quickly evolved into a short series depicting Duster mind-controlled and thereby forced to sexually service an unidentified client in a brothel setting. After image #4 the action got too steamy for Deviant Art's (often notorious) Terms of Service, so images #5 and #6 are below.
Hmm, yeah, her client may have decided to awaken her from her trance mid-coitus in that last pic.
A no-prize goes to whoever can identify Hypno-Duster's John. 😉
That's it for the explicit images, now we turn our attention to Duster's usual fashion show.
As I've said before, I regularly re-invest some of my commission earnings in new digital outfits that often work their way into high-quality images (such as the High Cut Heaven outfit mentioned above). Every time I obtain a new clothing prop I immediately test it on Duster. I have a few pre-configured "modeling images" ready to go for this purpose, with Duster posed, the lights positioned, and the render settings ready to go. All I have to do is load the clothing prop, adjust it if needed, and create the test render. I post the ones I like best here. And as I've also said before, you can give me feedback here or at DA on outfits you really like and I'll keep them in mind for future image ideas.
First up is an outfit called, appropriately, "Slit Shirt".
This next one is called "Cosmopolitan Swimsuit" and it already inspired an image I'll post at DA later this week.
For the eagle-eyed among you, yes, that's a new "test pose" for Duster. More of a modelling catwalk pose; I think it's sexy and I like it.
Speaking of sexy, this is a fantasy outfit for Genesis 3 called "Norse".
I'm not sure if the Vikings had catwalks but so what.
Below is (L) Pinstripe! (also for Genesis 3 Females and tricky to position/pose but sexy as all get-out), and Wicked Sixx.The latter could be a superhero or supervillainess outfit, or a sci fi costume.

...and th-th-that's all, folks!
Another excellent Blog. I can think of a use for all those outfits. :)