I may do some more images in this series. We'll see.
Before I get into some of the test images, I thought I'd share a little more info with those of you who visit the blog. You see, the stuff I post here and at Deviant Art isn't all of the material I have on my hard drive. Not even close. As you might gather based on some recent projects like Once Bitten, I somehow find the time to create other stories and images. I'm hoping to develop most of these for sale.
Now I don't mean to tease you, but rather let you know what these other projects are. It may take some time before any of these come to fruition, but I thought my most devoted followers/fans would like to know what else I have going on:
- The Deep End Part 2: A sequel to the first set of digital images I ever created. I have a mind to not only include the new images of Indigo Dynamo's domination, but to revamp those earlier pix and include them as well.
- Close Combat: This is a hard-core story of yet another encounter between Duster and Gladiator. Which, surprisingly, does not go well for Duster. Fancy that!
- Out of This World: I've previously posted a promotional image for this at D.A. It is still in progress, when I can find time for it. It's even longer than Once Bitten, and involves more changes in scenery and effects, so it will take longer. But it will be worth it! I mean, Duster, naked on an alien world, facing weird, perverse monsters? How could it not be good?!?
- Duster Collections: I'm half-way through revamping Duster's earlier stories, revising them and supplementing them with new material. The next one, titled Double Jeopardy, is in progress and I hope to finish it by the end of the year.
Okay, on to some test images.
First up is a lovely new character named Farrah:
She has something of an exotic look; I'm sure I'll find a use for her sooner or later.
Next is a sexy top called xclothG3F:
Two different material sets for an outfit called X19 Hunger:

And finally, the appropriately titled "Saucee Outfit":
And that's it for this blog entry!
Another fine update